Kaweah Subbasin Water Marketing Strategy Committee



The Kaweah Subbasin Water Marketing Strategy (Strategy) is a three- to fout- year project to develop a Water Marketing Strategy to prepare for the possible future exchange of limited groundwater allocations to reach groundwater sustainability compliance under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). An eleven (11) member Committee has been formed to guide the Strategy, and will make decisions on the proposed Water Market’s parameters, rules and management. The final Water Marketing Strategy document will provide instruction to the three (3) Kaweah Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (Mid-Kaweah, East Kaweah and Greater Kaweah GSAs) on how to operate a functioning groundwater allocation trading Market which may be used for the Subbasin as a whole to reach its goal of attaining groundwater balance and overall sustainability by 2040.

This webpage is a repository for all information relating to the Kaweah Subbasin Water Marketing Strategy.


Latest News

Mid-Kaweah Water Market Pilot
The Pilot is a program designed to give agricultural water users greater flexibility under the current Mid-Kaweah GSA allocation system. The Pilot specifically allows:

  • An individual to purchase additional allocation to avoid paying penalties or to accumulate groundwater credits that may be carried over to a future year,
  • An individual with unused allocation to sell up to 10 inches per acre of allocation to another water user
To learn more, visiit the Mid-Kaweah GSA website: https://www.midkaweah.org/watermarketpilot

To learn more, click this link here: https://www.midkaweah.org/_files/ugd/55be79_964fa6cd68934b6c8a2476b0b757bd34.pdf

Water Market Participation Agreement [Click link to view]

Meeting and Workshop Agendas and Minutes:

Meeting of the Subcommittee - December 15, 2020
Date Agenda Minutes Presentation
12/15/2020 Agenda - 12/15/2020 Minutes - 12/15/2020 Presentation - 12/15/2020 

Meeting of the Subcommittee - January 20, 2021
Date Agenda Minutes Presentation
01/20/2021 Agenda - 01/20/2021 Minutes - 01/20/2021  Presentation - 01/20/2021

Meeting of the Committee - February 19, 2021
Date Agenda Minutes Presentation
02/19/2021 Agenda - 02/19/2021 Minutes - 02/19/2021 Presentation - 02/19/2021

Meeting of the Committee - June 23, 2021
Date Agenda Minutes Presentation
06/23/2021 Agenda - 06/23/2021 Minutes - 06/23/2021 Presentation - 06/23/2021

Meeting of the Committee - August 11, 2021
Date Agenda Minutes Presentation Recording
08/11/2021 Agenda - 08/11/2021 Minutes - 08/11/2021 Presentation - 08/11/2021 Recording - 08/11/2021

Public Workshop #1 - October 27, 2021
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
10/27/2021 Agenda - Public Workshop #1 Presentation - Public Workshop #1 Recording - Public Workshop #1

Meeting of the Committee - December 15, 2021
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
12/15/2021 Agenda - 12/15/2021 Presentation - 12/15/2021 Recording - 12/15/2021

Meeting of the Committee - January 31, 2022
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
01/31/2022 Agenda - 01/31/2022 Presentation - 01/31/2022 Recording - 01/31/2022

Meeting of the Committee - March 23, 2022
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
03/23/2022 Agenda - 03/23/2022 Presentation - 03/23/2022 Recording - 03/23/2022

Meeting of the Committee - April 26, 2022
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
04/26/2022 Agenda - 04/26/2022 Presentation - 04/26/2022 Recording - 04/26/2022

Meeting of the Committee - May 24, 2022
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
05/24/2022 Agenda - 05/24/2022 Presentation - 05/24/2022 Recording - 05/24/2022

Meeting of the Committee - July 19, 2022
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
07/19/2022 Agenda - 07/19/2022 Presentation - 07/19/2022 Recording - 07/19/2022

Meeting of the Committee - August 23, 2022
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
08/23/2022 Agenda - 08/23/2022 Presentation - 08/23/2022 Recording - 08/23/2022

Meeting of the Committee - October 4, 2022
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
10/04/2022 Agenda - 10/04/2022 Presentation - 10/04/2022 Recording - 10/04/2022

Public Workshop #2 - October 19, 2022
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
10/19/2022 Agenda - Public Workshop #2 Presentation - Public Workshop #2 Recording - Public Workshop #2

Meeting of the Committee - October 25, 2022
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
10/25/2022 Agenda - 10/25/2022 Presentation - 10/25/2022 Recording - 10/25/2022

Meeting of the Committee - January 24, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
01/24/2023 Agenda - 01/24/2023 Presentation - 01/24/2023 Recording - 01/24/2023

Meeting of the Committee - Feburary 15, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
02/15/2023 Agenda - 02/15/2023 Presentation - 02/15/2023 Recording - 02/15/2023

Meeting of the Committee - March 28, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
03/28/2023 Agenda - 03/28/2023 Presentation - 03/28/2023 Recording - 3/28/2023

Meeting of the Committee - April 19, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
04/19/2023 Agenda - 04/19/2023 Presentation - 04/19/2023 Recording - 04/19/2023

Public Workshop #3 - May 24, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
05/24/2023 Agenda - 05/24/2023 Presentation - 05/24/2023 Recording - 05/24/2023

Office Hours - May 30, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
05/30/2023 Office Hours Notice N/A N/A

Meeting of the Committee - July 19, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
07/19/2023 Agenda - 07/19/2023 Presentation - 07/19/2023  

Meeting of the Committee - August 30, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
08/30/2023 Agenda -08/30/2023 Presentation - 8/30/2023 Recording - 08/30/2023

Meeting of the Committee - October 18, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
10/18/2023 Agenda - 10/18/2023 Presentation - 10/18/2023 Recording - 10/18/2023

Meeting of the Committee - December 20, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
12/20/2023 Agenda - 12/20/2023   Recording - 12/20/2023

Public Workshop #4 - December 20, 2023
Date Agenda Presentation Recording
12/20/2023 N/A   Recording - 12/20/2023

Meeting of the Committee - [TBD]
Date Agenda Presentation Recording

Informational Material:

Case Studies of Existing Water Markets Report:

This Report was prepared to summarize a sampling of existing water markets in other regions.



Foster et al., "Satellite-Based Monitoring of Irrigation Water Use: Assessing Measurement Errors and Their Implications for Agricultural Water Management Policy":


Breetz et al., "Trust and Communication: Mechanisms for Increasing Farmers' Participation in Water Quality Trading":